Incidents Attended 2022/23

In 2022/23 we attended 26,660 incidents, an increase of 6.6% on the 25,016  incidents attended in 2021/22.  The pie chart shown via the following link provides a breakdown into the categories of the calls attended.

Incidents Attended 2022/23

The tabs below give further details of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service performance during 2022/23 in the following categories

  • Fires
  • Accidental Dwelling Fires (ADF)
  • False Alarms
  • Compliments and Complaints (Feedback)
  • Performance Reports


Primary Fires

Primary fires are the most serious type of fire.  Reductions in primary fires can be attributed to targeted fire prevention and protection work.

There were 3075 Primary fires in 2022/23 which is higher than the 2883 in 2021/22.  Fire fatalities in 2022/23 were 7, which is lower than the 15 in 2021/22. Fire Casualties have increased, being 146 in 2022/23 and 119 in 2021/22.

Primary Fires 2022/23


Deliberate Fires

We work, in partnership with other agencies, to try to reduce the number of arson incidents across West Yorkshire.

Primary deliberate fires have increased by 17.6% between 2021/22 (1059) and 2022/23 (1245) and secondary deliberate fires have increased by 16.4% (from 4595 to 5347).

Deliberate Fires 2022/23



Preventative work carried out by the service can be quantified by a reduction of occurrences of accidental dwelling fires (ADF).

Accidental dwelling fires have decreased by 0.9% between 2021/22 (900) and 2022/23 (892) and injuries arising from these accidental dwelling fires have decreased from 115 to 88.  The number of deaths in accidental dwelling fires has decreased from 10 to 6.

Regular fire prevention campaigns and Safe and Well visits have promoted the use and maintenance of smoke alarms in dwellings.  In 2022/23, smoke alarms activated in 58.3% of dwelling fires; which is an decrease on the 60.4% during 2021/22 and remains a huge improvement on 27.90% during 2004/05.

Accidental Dwelling Fires 2022/23

False Alarms

False Alarms

In 2022/23 we received 3177 false alarm calls resulting from alarms raised by automatic fire detection equipment in non-domestic premises.  This is a decrease of 2.9% on the previous year’s 3271 false alarm calls.

To further reduce the instances of false alarms within non-domestic premises, WYFRS introduced a charging policy for persistent false alarms on 1 April 2014. The pilot which ran for 18 months sought to encourage those responsible for fire alarms to manage them appropriately and reduce the number of false alarms we attend.  For those who continue to generate persistent false alarms that result in the attendance of WYFRS a charge of £385 is issued.

False Alarm Calls 2022/23



During the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) received 228 compliments and 31 complaints.

The number of compliments indicates that the service provided by WYFRS to its local communities continues to meet and, at times, exceed the public’s expectations of our performance.

The reports below provide details of compliments and complaints for each of the periods 2013-14 to 2020/21.

Performance Report

Performance Report

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service reports on performance regularly throughout the year.  These reports include targets which are set annually.  For the latest report click on the link below:

Performance Management Report 2024-25

The final reports for the previous five years is shown below:

Performance Management Report 2023-24

Performance Management Report 2022-23

Performance Management Report 2021-22

Performance Management Report 2020-21

Performance Management Report 2019-20

Performance Management Report 2018-19