Motorcycles make up around 1% of road traffic but in 2021 accounted for 20% of road fatalities and 12% of road casualties in Great Britain.
Between 2020-2021 motorcyclist traffic has grown by 17%, in 2021, there was 310 fatalities with an increase from 2020 of 9% (285). 5,264 people were left seriously injured, 10,264 people were slightly injured.
Don't be apart of the statistics. Ride safely and help to reduce motorcycle rider injuries and fatalities.
Wear the right gear!
A motorcycle helmet is the most important part of your kit – getting it right can save your life. To travel safely and legally you must wear a safety helmet that meets British safety standards when riding on a motorcycle or moped on the road. A brain injury is permanent – a genuine helmet is designed and tested to minimise the risk of head injury.
Beware of counterfeit and fake motorcycle helmets...
Counterfeiters are getting very sophisticated in the way they make, package, and label products to look like those from reputable manufacturers or in the case of fakes produce substandard helmets with fake safety standard markings.
- Ensure you buy from reputable retailers including online retailers and avoid buying from social media or second hand.
- Where is the seller based and what chance have you got of getting money back if the goods turn out to unsatisfactory?
- How do they want payment and does the deal look to good to be true? Choosing the right helmet for your needs and budget is important.
There are many reputable retailers that have good advice on their websites and can also advise in store including measuring you for your helmet. Don’t buy second hand If a helmet has had an impact either from a collision or by being dropped it may no longer offer you the protection.
You may not be able to see the damage...
Motorcycle helmets have a limited life span. Manufacturers generally recommend a properly maintained, regularly used helmet should be replaced about every 3-5 years. Internal linings will have shaped to the first owner’s head, it will therefore not fit or reshape to your head properly, reducing level of protection.
Choose the right helmet for your needs, budget and safety. Buy new, from a reputable retailer, and take a look @transportgovuk SHARP helmet
safety scheme website for help and advice -

Point of view of driver on a motorcycle on the road driving.
Bike Maintenance - P.O.W.D.E.R.S check can help keep you safe!
Whether you ride your motorcycle every day or you’re getting ready to take to the road as the weather improves, maintenance of your bike is important to help you ride safely and legally.
- Petrol: Check you have enough fuel for your journey to prevent breakdowns and putting yourself or others at risk.
- Oil: Reservoirs have upper and lower marks, and the oil level is usually checkable via a window in the engine casing if not use a dipstick to check. Ensure your motorcycle parked upright on level ground. The correct oil level will prevent your engine seizing up.
- Water: Check coolant levels keep them topped up, running out of coolant can cause your engine to overheat which will damage your motorcycle.
- Damage/Drive chain: Check the motorcycle over for any signs of damage this includes checking for chain tension and lubrication and damage to sprocket teeth. If your bike has a belt rather than chain, you should check for signs of damage such as cracking and drying.
- Electrics: Check all lights including brakes and indicators are all working. Check cables are secure, and they or termination points are not worn as this can lead to failure of systems such as clutch, brakes or lighting.
- Rubber: Check your tyres once a week. Check tyre pressure when your tyres are cold and ensure they are set at the correct pressure as recommended by the manufacturer. Over inflated motorcycle tyres can affect road grip and under inflated can cause problems with braking and handling. Look for cracks, bulges or objects embedded in the tread. Make sure your tyres are wearing evenly, if they’re not your tyre pressures may be incorrect, or wheel assembly may be incorrectly balanced. Ensure tyres are clean and free of oil and grease, wash them with the detergent if necessary. Check your tyre tread depth. It must be no less than 1mm around the circumference of the middle three quarters of the tyre. More information for motorcycle tyres can be found on the tyresafe website, but if you have any concerns, you should get advice from a qualified professional or an approved fitting centre.
- Self: Make sure you are fit to drive, not tired or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any medicines which may affect your riding. Plan your route especially if you are taking your motorcycle out on a longer ride and make sure you take frequent breaks.