What We Do

Prevention assists partner agencies in the achievement of a range of local priorities; however, our core business is to achieve a reduction in:

  • Accidental fires in the home; devastating for members of the community.

  • Deaths and injuries from accidental fires in homes; each fire in the home has the potential to take life, cause serious injury and emotional suffering.

  • Malicious false alarms attended; calls where an individual deliberately contacts the fire and rescue service knowing there is no incident for them to attend are not just a nuisance, they can be life-threatening, because crews attending these false alarms will be unavailable should a genuine incident occur.

  • Primary fires; the most serious type of fire typically accounting for approximately 15% of all incidents.

  • Fires started deliberately; a concern for any fire and rescue service, police force and local authority due to their link with anti-social and criminal behaviour.

We also aim to:

Promote road safety working with partners to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on West Yorkshire’s roads.

Road Safety

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is one of the front line emergency response services at serious road traffic collisions.  Our fire fighters regularly see the aftermath of simple mistakes made behind the wheel and the devastation caused by dangerous driving; we aim to contribute to raising road safety awareness and have a positive impact on the number of people killed and seriously injured on West Yorkshire roads.

We work with road safety professionals and partners to improve attitudes and behaviour towards road safety by sharing information, combining resources and engaging directly with the community through various learning environments, awareness campaigns and education packages.

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service are represented on the West Yorkshire Safer Roads strategy and delivery groups playing a vital role and sharing intelligence, developing resources and promoting road safety education.

Positive working relationships have been developed with each local district authority and road safety professionals including the Police.

Useful websites



High Risk

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service identified the lifestyle contributors which contribute to the risk of accidental dwelling fires occurring based on incident data.  As a result, specific trends were noted and the Prevention Team developed interventions to further support people in the community who are identified as being high risk through the Home Fire Safety Check process.

We support vulnerable individuals through the provision of specialist interventions and equipment, to assist vulnerable individuals to lead a safer life within their own home.  We work with partners in health and social care, housing, voluntary, community and charitable organisations and a range of support agencies.

We engage with partners who have contact with vulnerable people to promote fire safety within their work and gain access to individuals to provide support and intervention.  Where a fire has resulted in a fatality the team work closely with the Fire Investigation Team to provide relevant information and identify new risk categories.

As a result of the classification of risk, sharing information with partners and understanding the full range of issues which contribute to an individual’s risk status, the team are able to act as specialists working with partners and district Prevention teams to provide integrated solutions.


Deliberate ignition is the largest single cause of fires in the country and accounts for approximately 76% of all fires attended within West Yorkshire.  Addressing the problem of arson and deliberate fire setting is a priority for the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and consequently partnerships have been established in each local authority area.

Prevention teams have developed effective partnerships with many key agencies including the police, anti- social behaviour units, housing and other local authority departments.  In addition to their extensive knowledge base, many of these partnerships provide the necessary legislative powers to enable West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to deal with the issues that contribute to deliberate fires e.g. the securing of empty properties, removal of fly tipping and the addressing the issues of anti-social behaviour.

Deliberate fires affect communities by adversely impacting on the reputation and image of the area.  Many of those committing arson and anti-social behaviour related fires are well known to residents.  We need as much information as possible about those starting deliberate fires in the community, the more information we have the better equipped we are to take positive action against those responsible.

Education Resources

We deliver fire, road and arson safety messages to school aged children, community groups and partner organisations throughout the year across West Yorkshire.  Products range from education on home safety and spotting hazards within the home to the impacts and consequences of arson and remaining safe on the roads as a pedestrian, passenger or driver.

Educational resources are now available online to both schools and partnerships across West Yorkshire via a learning resources site.  Access to the site is via a login which is provided by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

If you would like further information on the Learning Resources website or the educational resources developed and available across West Yorkshire, please contact Prevention Team on 0113 387 5728.



West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s ambition is to “Make West Yorkshire Safer”, by providing a proactive Fire Prevention programme within the community.

In recent years West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service has placed increased emphasis upon prevention and protection, and the service is now actively engaging with other agencies in:

  • Preventing emergencies from occurring
  • Promoting healthier communities
  • Promoting economic vitality of localities
  • Promoting a sense of belonging in communities, transforming local environments
  • Creating safer and stronger communities
  • Raising standards across schools
  • Improving the quality of life for older people, children and young people, and families at risk.

Working with partner organisations is vital in helping us to reach very vulnerable people in the community to carry out Home Fire Safety Checks and reduce the risk of domestic dwelling fires, providing resources where appropriate.
