"We will work in partnership with new and existing organisations to gain a shared understanding of local issues and will work together to build strong, safe, and resilient communities within the Kirklees District."

Dale Gardiner - Kirklees District Commander

Dale Gardiner
Dale Gardiner


We have set out plans to prioritise our services in the community over the coming year and we would encourage you to take a look at these plans in detail; the overarching priorities in summary are:

  • Reduce the risks to the communities of West Yorkshire.
  • Continue to develop ways of working which improve the safety and effectiveness of our firefighters.
  • We will invest in information and communication technology, digital and data, to deliver our service in smarter ways.
  • Develop, and enable our people to be at their best.
  • We will promote environmentally friendly ways of working, reduce waste, and raise awareness amongst staff to both fight climate change and respond more effectively to incidents driven by extreme weather events.
  • We will actively look for opportunities to implement learning from the Grenfell Inquiry to improve how we respond to high rise emergencies and other foreseeable risks.
  • We will continue working towards delivering a more inclusive workforce, which reflects and serves the needs of the diverse communities of West Yorkshire.
Fire Stations in the Kirklees District

What’s happening in Kirklees District…

Operational crews continue to prepare and respond to the wide range of risks that face our communities and several exercises are planned that focus on road traffic collisions, rail, and high rise incidents.

Over the past 18 months we have seen considerable progress and extremely positive results in relation to fire related injuries, road traffic collisions and malicious false alarms with less of these happening. Good progress has been made against arson, primary fires, secondary fires, actual rescues, dwelling fires, and non-domestic building fires.

Although success has been observed, we are committed to focus on the challenges around arson, dwelling fires, road safety and false alarms. This cannot be delivered in isolation and we will focus our efforts on proactive approaches and sharing of intelligence with key partners to identify areas of risk and address this through our risk reduction activity. We will continue to take the lead within the Arson Reduction Steering Group and Road Safety Partnership, through the Road Safety Group.

The team are dedicated to making Kirklees a safer place for our community and will continue to drive this objective and be pragmatic in our approach. We will not rest on our laurels, and the focus moving forward will be to build on the positive results achieved so far.