Round 3 HMICFRS Inspection Report Published
The latest Inspection Report from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) for West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service has been published today, Thursday July 25th.
Fire & rescue services across England are now routinely inspected by the HMICRFS on a rolling two-year cycle. Since the 2021 WYFRS Report, the Inspectorate has made a number of changes to how they assess services against the characteristics of good performance, making clearer links between judgements to causes of concern and areas for improvement.
The previous four tier system has also been expanded to include five grades. It is therefore impossible to make direct comparisons between previous inspections and this report.
Chief Fire Officer John Roberts, said:
“This inspection looks at every aspect of the Service in great detail, and whilst we’re unable to make a direct comparison with our previous reports, I continue to be incredibly proud to lead a service of dedicated colleagues who strive each and every day to deliver our ambition of making West Yorkshire safer.
Whilst there have been significant improvements in our prevention activities since our 2021 inspection, and our continued journey to improve has been recognised, there are still areas to develop and improve further. Due to our robust internal self-assessment processes, some of the interventions are already underway and we are seeing tangible changes in many areas, and we look forward to seeing the continued efforts of colleagues realised in the near future.”
HM Inspector Michelle Skeer, said:
“Overall, I am pleased with West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service’s performance and the improvements it has made since our last inspection.”
Chair of the Fire Authority, Councillor Darren O’Donovan, said:
“Our Service has not been immune to the financial challenges faced across all public services in recent years and the real impact of this is being felt across WYFRS. In spite of this, the hard work and dedication of the Service is reflected in this undoubtedly positive report. The recommendations made are already being implemented and the communities of West Yorkshire can be assured that the Service is doing everything it can to keep them and their loved ones safe.”
The service is now regularly inspected as part of the HMICFRS commitment to assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of police forces and fire & rescue services.
The full report is published on the HMICFRS website.